Build Your Own Fire Evacuation Map Using GIS
The EYH Café is a program for girls in grades 9 – 12, and is designed to bring to light the science, technology, engineering and math found in everyday life. Our engaging hands-on workshops are paired with a fun social setting and located in North San Diego County. Details of our FREE spring 2019 workshop are below.
Geographic Information Systems, or GIS, is a powerful tool that can be used to understand spatial patterns of natural habitats or man-made structures. In terms of wildfires, it can be used to understand how fire spreads within a community or habitat. In this computer-based workshop, participants will learn how to use GIS to look at historical patterns in fires within their community or adjacent parts of the county. Then using GIS data, they will develop a fire evacuation map that can be used in the event of a wildfire in their neighborhood. Stick it on the fridge and you’ll be prepared for our next dry, wildfire season!
More information available at:
This is a one time workshop for girls in grades 9-12 that will occur at Cal-State San Marcos's GIS computer lab from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. on Sat. April 6th, 2019. Snacks provided after workshop!

Build Your Own Fire Evacuation Map Using GIS
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Expanding Your Horizons of San Diego
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