Climate Kids Traveling Trunks
The Climate Science Alliance’s Climate Kids program seeks to inspire a new generation of youth to be climate champions by educating children on climate change through storytelling, art, science. Our Climate Kids Traveling Trunks are available for educators and provide all the resources needed to teach climate science in the classroom. Trunks include background information, lesson plans, PowerPoints, hands on activities, materials, and curriculum aligned to NGSS to increase climate literacy for K-12 youth. The reservation schedule is filling fast so book yours today at! Climate Kids traveling trunks are available to educators for FREE within San Diego County for two week periods.
Climate Kids traveling trunks are available to educators within San Diego County for two week periods. There are no charges associated with borrowing trunks, however teachers will be responsible for picking up and dropping off the trunk and replacing lost or damaged items. The trunks allow instructors who would like to teach climate science in their institution to have all of the resources and activities available to do so.