Discovering Adaptations (4th Grade Field Trip)
Discovering Adaptations program description
Utilizing the San Elijo Lagoon ecosystem as a backdrop for discovery, student scientists will collect evidence of plant + animal adaptations vital to their survival. Students will have an opportunity to observe and record a variety of flora and fauna as they develop claims supported by scientific reasoning.
Immersive experiences for every student
Inspire your class when they engage with nature—and extend their excitement to their community and beyond. We collaborate with school districts and teachers to provide NGSS-aligned, hands-on opportunities to learn in and from nature. Students connect with local natural spaces, experience and develop science skills, and become empowered to protect and care for the environment via their own communities.
How our programs work
Nature Collective/Our programs bridge classroom and nature-based learning with pre and post activities that support and extend the field trip experience. Students are able to make connections to their own lives and communities, while they practice science skills and explore diverse plants + animals. Programs culminate with student action projects that encourage critical thinking, problem-solving, and collaboration to promote healthy communities and natural spaces, for all.
Two-hour field trip experience
Registration required online

Discovering Adaptations (4th Grade Field Trip)
Other learning opportunities from this partner
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Nature Collective
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Registration required online
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Nature Collective
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Registration required online
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Nature Collective
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Registration required online
Preserving Biodiversity (Middle School Field Trip)
Nature Collective
Student scientists discover how humans benefit from and maintain biodiverse ecosystems, such as the San Elijo Lagoon.
Three-hour field trip experience
Registration required online