Girls Inspiring Real Leadership in STEAM (G.I.R.L.S) Conference
Grade 6-12 students are invited to the Girls Inspiring Real Leadership in STEAM (G.I.R.L.S.) Students will learn tools to make lasting and beneficial connections for success as leaders and STEAM professionals.
Event is both In-Person with a hybrid on-line live-stream experience. In-person benefits include a networking lunch (food provided) with college students pursuing STEAM degrees.
Conference is co-hosted by the Eastlake High School Society of Women Engineers (SWE) SWENext Club and FRC Team 2543. Thank you @ehs.swenext for the Connections for Life!
See SIGN-UP form for further conference details and the speaker lineup. For more information about local SWENext events, visit

Girls Inspiring Real Leadership in STEAM (G.I.R.L.S) Conference
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