STEM Explorations - Think Like a Scientist!
Students will learn to think like a scientist while exploring the different characteristics researchers look at when testing water quality. Using the different tools and techniques that scientists use to measure salinity, temperature, turbidity, specific gravity and pH, students will test the water quality here at the Mission Bay Aquatic Center, and will paddle as a group to compare results from testing at various locations on the bay. After this course students will have experience collecting, recording and visualizing data as part of their own mini research project.
STEM Explorations - Think Like a Scientist!
Other learning opportunities from this partner
STEM Exploration - Think Like a Scientist!
Mission Bay Aquatic Center
Students will learn how to think like a scientist while exploring Mission Bay on kayaks!
STEM Explorations - ROV Design Challenge
Mission Bay Aquatic Center
Students will have the opportunity to build and test an underwater remote operated vehicle!
STEM Explorations - ROV Design Challenge
Mission Bay Aquatic Center
Students will have the opportunity to build and test an underwater remote operated vehicle!
STEM Exploration - The Ocean, Clean Water and YOU!
Mission Bay Aquatic Center
Students will explore the relationship between humans and the ocean through hands-on activities.