2023 Greater San Diego Science and Engineering Fair
Since 1955, the GREATER SAN DIEGO SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING FAIR (GSDSEF) has encouraged and promoted the STEM interests of students in San Diego and Imperial Counties by providing an inspiring experience in science and engineering which allows students to showcase and be recognized for their STEM talents. This regional STEM fair challenges students in grades 6-12 to go beyond classroom studies to do independent research in 16 STEM categories – to ask compelling questions, to design and implement innovative solutions, and to present and defend results to judges who are professionals in their fields. Every student in the GSDSEF wins a place award, and over $40,000 in prizes are awarded annually by local STEM industry and organizations. Top winners move on to the California Science and Engineering Fair and Grand Award recipients receive an all expenses paid trip to the International Science and Engineering Fair. Join the 500+ students yearly, and over 35,000 GSDSEF alumni who were inspired through their participation in the GSDSEF!
The 69th GSDSEF will be taking place tentatively on March 15, 2023. Check https://www.gsdsef.org/about/schedule for exact dates starting in August, 2022.