Proudly collaborating with these organizations
Resource Conservation District of Greater San Diego County
As stewards of the regional environment, we partner with a diverse group of landowners, public and private institutions, and concerned citizens to address the diverse conservation and environmental concerns that are unique to San Diego County. The RCD’s programs and priorities help to restore and protect San Diego County watersheds, prevent wildfire damage through education and fuel reduction, promote nutrition and stewardship through sustainable agriculture and soil health, and revitalize pollinator habitats.
Resource Conservation Districts are independent, non-regulatory Special Districts, organized under Division 9 of the CA Public Resources Code. Founded on principles of grass-roots, locally-led governance, RCDs are leaders in on-the-ground conservation efforts, connecting people with programs and resources necessary to conserve and manage natural resources.
Through funding primarily from local, state, and federal grants and donations, we create programs and services that address the unique conservation challenges that face San Diego County.