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XplorStem LLC
XplorStem is a National Science Foundation-funded independent-study program. The program is web-guided and teaches students scientific concepts and the scientific method. Students complete a hands-on laboratory where they recreate a historic scientific discovery. Through the 360-degree programs, students learn about the history of the time.
XplorStem guides students through the Scientific Method starting with a bold guess. This is their hypothesis. Then, they refine their hypothesis through interactive questions and answers. After they learn NGSS core ideas, students complete a hands-on laboratory. The hands-on laboratory does not use harsh chemicals and is safe to complete at home. The lab section also includes safety training. The laboratory protocol section includes detailed instructions including demonstration videos. Technical writing prompts for their laboratory observations and lab report are included.
A companion workbook is also included. The workbook has activities for kids away from the computer. These include creative writing, reading, arithmetic, art, and history activities. These activities reinforce science learnings and appeal to different learning styles. Workbook activities also meet common core math and writing standards. This allows educators to teach different subjects in one integrated package.