Proudly collaborating with these organizations

245 search result(s) found
The Most Enriching Field Trip. Ever.
Museums, Science Centers & Zoos
Computers 2 SD Kids is a non-profit organization created with the goal of assisting qualified children and their families to obtain computers, software, training and support in order to help them become computer literate as well as increase their access to educational, occupational and financial resources and the related skills to effectively use that technology.
Advocacy/Philanthropy & Government
CARTA is a virtual organization formed in order to promote transdisciplinary research into human origins.
Colleges, Universities, and Certificate/Credential Programs
Building Performance Consulting.Helping our clients owners, builders, designers
make smarter choices.
Professional, Trade & Student Associations
We' re creating tech-savvy leaders by solving real world problems that utilize technology, problem-solving skills & teamwork.
Afterschool/Out-of-School Time